The Role of the SD in the Jewish Question Memorandum of Dieter Wisliceny of the SD, 7 April 1937, regarding the role of the SD in driving the Jews out of Germany Source : Kurt Paetzold (ed.), Verfolgung Vertreibung Vernichtung. Dokumente des faschistischen Antisemitismus 1933-1942 , (Frankfurt on Main 1984), p.133-4. Experience has shown that the Jews who left Germany after 1933 are first and foremost young Jews who have little money themselves and who emigrated with the help of Jewish welfare organisations. The second group among the Jews who have emigrated is composed of those in professions harmed by the anti-Jewish laws in the domain of culture. On the other hand, one can certainly say that Jews still hold leading positions in several branches of the economy. The turnover of some of the firms has doubled and even tripled in 1933. Under these circumstances, it is only natural that no Jew considers voluntary emigration at a time when very disadvantageous regulations about taking capital out of Germany are in existence... The task of the SD is not accomplished by merely registering and reporting the situation as it unfolds from individual cases. Its role is rather to present the State and Party with material that will serve as a basis for legal and police measures. Taking the present situation of Jewry into account, it is quite clear what those measures should be. a.) A systematic control over the Jews in German economic life. The Jewish question is an ideological problem and can therefore be solved only in a co-ordinated way. It is essential that [department] II 112 [of the Security Service] conduct its own survey of the economic scene. It is of no interest to II 112 whether the Jew acts in a social or asocial manner, or whether he earns his money in an honest or dishonest way. It is important only how and where he earns money... b. As only Zionist emigration can achieve a successful removal of Jews from Germany, it is essential that II 112 deal with all the issues of emigration and Transfer that might contribute to the promotion of such emigration.